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  • 佛 跳墙






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    Induction Ceremonies!

  • Radiations Spring 2024





  • SPS Chapter Report


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    Due June 15


News & Announcements

New SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma Alumni Engagement Program
2018-19 Chapter Award Recipients Announced
Submit a Member News Item to Radiations Magazine
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Q&A with Brad Conrad, New Director of SPS and Sigma Pi Sigma

Our Mission

Sigma Pi Sigma exists to honor outstanding scholarship in physics, to encourage interest in physics among students at all levels, to promote an attitude of service, and to provide a 佛跳墙v2.1.1 of persons who have excelled in physics. Election is a lifelong membership and includes a once-year complimentary membership in the Society of Physics Students (SPS).

Sigma Pi Sigma is an organization of the American Institute of Physics, and a member of the Association of College Honor Societies. Founded in 1921, there are more than 90,000 historical members. 

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Radiations Magazine

Radiations Spring 2024

Spring 2024

In honor of this issue reflecting on the past of Sigma Pi Sigma, the cover features the cover of the very first issue of The Radiations of Sigma Pi Sigma published in 1930.
Image courtesy of AIP.


Like research, filmmaking is an incredibly collaborative effort involving many people. Knowing how to work with others to achieve a single goal is something I learned while being a part of physics collaborations. The ultimate goal is different, but the ins and outs of managing and connecting with people are very much the same.

Ian Harnarine


Filmmaker and Adjunct Faculty

New York University

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